Phone : 00 33 4 79 28 00 46 - 200 rue Branmafan, 73230 Barby - Chambéry, FRANCE

Transformation, shaping

Packing and adapting formats

Coating Développement shapes and packages your materials to your specifications.

Coating Développement cuts your materials on demand and internally into :

  • Sheets
  • Small rolls,
  • Jumbos,
  • Rolls and reels.

Depending on your requirements, we can convert your flexible media into specific formats:
Sheets from A4 to A0, 700 x 1000 mm and up to 1010 x 1500 mm
Widths from 200 to 1,600 mm
Rolls from 10 to 500 linear metres depending on thickness
Jumbos from 1,000 to 10,000 linear metres depending on thickness
mandrels: 50 - 70 - 76 - 102 - 150 mm

Contact us for any special request and ask for a quotation.

Our industrial equipment

Coating Développement's factory near Chambéry is equipped with :

Shaping into reels, rolls and cutting sheets