Phone : 00 33 4 79 28 00 46 - 200 rue Branmafan, 73230 Barby - Chambéry, FRANCE


Associate services and drop shipping

Logistic services give a real value to Coating Développement.
Storage, packing, order management, delivery tracking are associated services.

Coating Développement has management tools to :
• Customised products to your brand Labelling and personalised cardboards
• Management of expedition with your brand name, if you wish
• Orders and stock management with minimum delay
• Traceability, stock management and order preparation with barcode.

Our drop shipping service manages our customers' orders:

  • Direct delivery to our distributors' customers,
  • Dedicated sites per distributor for order processing,
  • EDI.

Specific equipment

Coating Développement has versatile and adjustable equipment:
• Warehouse of 1200 m² for a capacity of 1000 tons
• Loading equipment adaptable to your needs
• Shaping line and semi-automatic packaging for maximum efficiency